About Heritage Ministries Help Station
The ministry was started in 2007 by Heritage Ministries Worship Center which is located in the Clements school district of Athens, Alabama. The Help Station is located between Rogersville and Elgin Alabama on Hwy 72. The Help Station is a volunteer operated facility.
The goal of the ministry is to provide homebound seniors or other qualified clients with a prepared meal delivered to their home. We prepare meals for homebound clients consisting of disabled seniors, cancer patients, veterans, and others who are not able to prepare their own meals on a daily basis. We work together with Hospice and Home Health Agencies trying to meet the needs of their referrals. The meals provided are at no cost to clients or their families. The goal of the Help Station is to assist our clients and their families in a time of need. We rely on the donations of others, to continue the operation of the ministry.
We also have a thrift store at our location, which helps us with the overhead cost of the ministry, such as, food, electric bill, gas for volunteer drivers, and supplies needed. We depend on the support of the community in which God has truly blessed us. With-out this support we could not do this work. Although, we are blessed to have the thrift store to help with the cost of running the ministry; it is not enough. Your monetary donations are much needed. The Help Station sends out 450-500 meals monthly. This number would be much higher should funds permit us to accept more clients.
The Help Station focus is on our elderly; However, we do have other areas that we provide assistance when needed.
The Help Station provides assistance for victims of fire-loss. The Help Station also operates a food pantry that allows a client access to a food box in the event of need.
The Help Station not only offers these types of assistance we offer to anyone in need a hand to hold and a shoulder to cry on, but most of all prayer.
The Help Station is a 501c3 Non-Profit Ministry, all donations are tax deductible. Join the Help Station, let's make a difference together.
-God Bless
Gina Weir - Founder